The event organized by Poşta Română will begin with the opening of an exhibition presenting the works of young artists participating in the painting contest “Art as a means of communication – in the footsteps of Joan Miro”. The exhibition was inspired by the work of the Spanish artist Joan Miro, “Flood II”, donated by the latter to the Romanian State and hosted by the National Philatelic Museum in Bucharest. The opening will be followed by a charity auction supported by Goldart Auction House. All the money raised on this occasion will be donated to UNICEF Romania for the rehabilitation of schools in areas affected by the flooding in June 2010.

First Prize: Bartos Vadim-Alexandru


“By means of this initiative we want to be closer to disadvantaged communities affected by this year’s floods, but also to support arts and Romanian and international cultural values, to promote young artists and to create as much as we can a framework for asserting their value” said Daniel Neagoe, President and CEO of Compania Naţionala Poşta Română.

“We are extremely pleased to be partnering with Poşta Română and together we can put a smile on the faces of children affected by this summer’s flooding. Even if the waters receded long ago, the children and their communities still need our help for their lives to get back to normal. Together with the representatives of C.N. Poşta Română S.A. we have decided that the money raised from the auction be used for the rehabilitation of schools affected by this year’s floods and come in this way in support of children facing difficulties in the educational process and in danger of dropping out of school”, said Edmond McLoughney, UNICEF Romania Representative.

The event brought together C.N. Poşta Română S.A., Goldart Auction House, the Romanian Professional Designer Association, the Artists Union, representatives of the National University of Arts in Bucharest and Romfilatelia.